Are You Staying Healthy?

Our friend Cleo Zara shared her thoughts on what she's learned with recent events:
"In the past 3 months, I learned to be aware of my health, physically and emotionally. Before the pandemic, I used to abuse my body by eating unhealthy foods. I learned that you have to be aware and take care of yourself, [in order to] have a strong enough body, especially during this pandemic.”

Seems very simple, doesn't it? But imagine this: You're at the peak of your career and financial success, when a major health issue suddenly hits you. What then?

Maybe you've heard of John D. Rockefeller, said to be the first American millionaire at the age of 33 and the first American billionaire at 53. Wow oh wow, right? By the early 1900s, he was on his deathbed and could only eat crackers and milk. What? Oh no!

We heard a leadership guru say that the first thing you have to be sure of is your health, because no matter how rich you get, no matter how successful you are, no matter how famous you become - how can you enjoy those if you're too sick?

After all, "health is wealth" is a cliche that's still true in many ways.

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