WHAT, ME RETIRE? by Grace D. Chong

One minute your signature approves million-peso projects, the next minute all you sign are pension forms. One minute you are treading in the sea of responsibilities, the next minute you're drifting in the ocean of boredom.

Retirement: Hate it or love it?

No matter how you feel about retirement, pause and consider how you can maximize this new stage of your life. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to spend your time pining for your glory days, regretting what-could-have-beens or dreading the unknown future.

Don't think of yourself as old. Rather, think of yourself as seasoned by time and experiences, ready to take on new challenges.

Discover fresh passions. Pursue new dreams.

And prepare to embrace what could be the best years of your life.

Pickup Price: Php 225.00
Author: Grace D. Chong
Paperback, 114 pages

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